Statistics for beauty salons

Access more than 40 real-time statistics of all the important data of your business and you can make the best decisions to boost sales and optimize the expenses of your hairdresser or beauty center.

Want to know how your business is doing with your competition? Koibox shows you in a comparison.

Statistics of


Sales statistics in general, by employees, categories, services, products, estimated sales by appointments, employee commission…


Top customers, new customers, debts, lost customers, customers with bonds to consume, how we met…


Effective work time of your employees based on appointments, online appointments, states, employees, missed appointments vs notified.


Control expenditures in general, by categories, by suppliers, expenditure of domestic consumer products, income vs expenses.


Access the survey statistics filled by your customers and you can see the results by questions, services and employees.


Access to see in detail the conversion of budgets made to real sales and budgets to accept.

Your center relative to your competitors

We show you all the information about your sales compared to your competitors. The comparison is based on an average of businesses similar to yours, with the same number of employees and in a nearby location.

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