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Basic Information on Data Protection
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Privacy policy
This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is intended to inform you clearly and accurately about the processing of personal data collected by Software Koibox, S.L. (hereinafter “Koibox”) through the website with url “”, (the “Website”). The Privacy Policy together with the Website Terms of Use and the Cookies Policy constitute the Terms and Conditions governing the Website.

This Privacy Policy only applies to the Website, meaning all pages and subpages included therein. This Privacy Policy has been configured in accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data.

Who is responsible for the treatment?

The personal data collected through the contact form and the account opening and/or trial period start form in Koibox will be processed by Koibox, with CIF: B-98661028 and registered office at Avenida Pio XII, 1 Valencia C.P. 46009, Spain, as controller.

What is the origin of your personal data?

The personal data that Koibox processes are collected through the contact form and the form to create an account in Koibox that are available on the Website.

The personal data provided through this form have been provided by the data subject himself, who has entered the data in the form in order to establish contact with Koibox through the Website.

With regard to the form for the creation of accounts in Koibox, personal data are collected from the representatives natural persons of Koibox customers, which are introduced to maintain and execute the contractual relationship that is established between Koibox and its customers.

For what purpose are your personal data processed?

The data will be processed for the following purposes:

Contact form:

To respond to requests made as a user of the Website. The data processed are the minimum and necessary to fulfill the stated purposes.
Form creation account:

Manage and develop the contractual relationship with customers who create accounts on Koibox through the Website.
What is the legitimation of the treatment?

Contact form:

The personal data provided in the contact forms will be kept by Koibox until your consent is revoked.
Form creation account:

The personal data of the personal representatives of Koibox customers will be processed as long as the contractual relationship between Koibox and the customer is in force.
How do we keep your data safe?

Koibox has implemented technical and organizational measures to protect the information it collects through the Website and to ensure that personal data is processed in a legal, fair, transparent, appropriate, relevant, limited, accurate and updated manner. However, you should know that although we take reasonable steps to protect your information, no website, internet transmission, computer system or wireless connection is absolutely secure.

What are your rights?

Data subjects may exercise at any time their rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, portability and limitation to the processing of their data, by sending a written communication to the address indicated in the first paragraph or by email to (Ref. Data protection) indicating the right you wish to exercise and accompanying a copy of your ID or equivalent official document proving your identity.

Finally, we inform you that you have the right to seek the protection of the Spanish Data Protection Agency through its website
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