Online Booking

Receive online appointments 24/7 on your website and social networks with our management program. You show the free hours of your schedule, and capture reservations in a simple way, saving many minutes answering the phone.


Total Control

You determine which services you want to be available for online booking and which workers can perform those services.

It sets the schedule of employees, so that there are no conflicts in the agenda. Also when a customer book an appointment online, an email is sent confirming the appointment to the customer and another to your beauty center.

Reporting & Management

Check reports of all your online bookings, the amount they have generated and the origin of the appointments (Google, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and your website).

With this tool, you can improve the management of your hairdresser or beauty center, attract new customers and facilitate self-management of appointments.

Customizable and Integrated

Set up whether your customers can choose the employee who will serve them and if you want them to pay for the reservation when you confirm the appointment.

Integrated with your schedule. Only shows available hours. Once the appointment reservation is made, it appears automatically occupying the space in your calendar. And you set the lead time by which they can book and cancel the appointment.

Save time and retain customers

Save time

With online reservations, your customers reserve you easily. Forget about leaving your customer to pick up the phone.

Social Media

With our management program, you can enable online reservations for your social networks and on your website
(Google, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok).

Secure payment

Reduce absences losses by setting up an amount that your customers will have to pay as a deposit at the time of booking online.

Receive online bookings 24/7 365 days

Enable the option for your customers to book appointments online on your website and social networks.

So you can attract new customers and sales 24 hours a day and facilitate the day to day of your customers and your employees.

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