Sales and Cash box in beauty centers

In the cash section of our management program you have access to control all daily sales movements, income and withdrawals and make the balance or box closing.


Cash Box of the day

Check all day movements, opening, cash and card sales, debt payments, income and withdrawals.

Search for sales

Access the search engine and filter your sales searches by dates, employees, customers, amounts, services and products…

Find cash box movements

You have a search engine for movements not associated with sales, you can consult debt payments, extractions and income.

Balance sheet / Closing

After reviewing all the movements of the day, close the box and access a detailed summary of the day’s cash box.


Expand your billing options using Redsys, Stripe and Paypal payment gateway integrations.


It allows you to accumulate a balance in favor of the customer, giving them the flexibility to use it in future purchases.

The most efficient management

It records all cash movements in real time and sends the data with ease.

Export your cash boxes and sales.
Income and cash withdrawals.
Statistics of your center.
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