Cookie Policy

Cookie policy

Software Koibox, S.L. informs users through this notice that it may use cookies when the user navigates through the different screens and pages of the site. By using our website you expressly accept and authorize the use of cookies, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a very small text file that a Web server can store on a computer’s hard drive to store some kind of information about the user. The cookie uniquely identifies your computer, and can only be read by the website that sent it to your computer.

A cookie is not an executable file or program and therefore cannot spread or contain a virus or other malicious software, nor can it be longer than 4,000 characters.

What are cookies for?

The use of cookies is exclusively for remembering the user’s preferences (language, country, login, browser features, usage information of our website, etc.).

Remembering your preferences we will not, for example, ask you about your country every time you visit our website. We will know the features of the computer you are using so that we can provide you with a better browsing experience. Cookies can help our website to distinguish the browser of the user as a previous visitor and thus save and remember preferences that may have been set while the user was browsing the site, customize the home pages, identify which sections of a site have been visited or keep track of selections in a «shopping cart».

Software Koibox, S.L. may use cookies to recognize users who have registered and provide them with a better and more personalized service. They can also be used to obtain information about the date and time of the last user visit, measure some traffic parameters within the site itself and estimate the number of visits made, so that Koibox Software, S.L. can focus and adjust services and promotions more effectively.

Websites typically use cookies to obtain statistical information about their web pages. Please note that we collect data about your movements and use of our Site as statistical, non-personal data.

Types and purposes of cookies

Below is a list of the cookies you can find on our website and a brief description of their purpose. We assure you that none of them retain personally identifiable information about you. Some cookies personalize your visit, others remember your preferences, while others only provide us with visitor statistics.

_gaThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics, which is a significant update of the most widely used Google analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a customer identifier. Is included in each page request on a site and used to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data for the site analysis reports.1 year and 1 monthGoogle LLC
_ga_JZHMFXZ034Google Analytics uses this cookie to maintain session status.1 year and 1 monthGoogle LLC

Safeguards for protection

The user can configure his browser to accept or not the cookies he receives or to let the browser warn him when a server wants to save a cookie or delete them from his computer. You can find the instructions in the security settings on your web browser.

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