Integration with WhatsApp

Communicate easily with your customers via WhatsApp. Confirm and remind your customers of appointments, both manually and automatically.

Automate Whatsapp conversations with your customers with our automated assistant.

Integrate WhatsApp into your agenda

Appointment reminders

Send automatic reminders or appointment manuals via WhatsApp.

Your customers can confirm their appointment with a simple click on the message.

Reduce the rate of absent customers and ensure a greater commitment to scheduled appointments.

Talk to your customers

Open direct WhatsApp conversations with your customers.

You can set up a predefined message with the data center, the client and the next appointment.

Give support via WhatsApp to all your customers and improve communication with them.

Chatbot WhatsApp

Automate Whatsapp conversations with your customers with our automated assistant.

Your customer will be able to view the contact information of the center and access its location.

Consult the data of the appointment.

Chatbot WhatsApp

View contact information for center and location.
Book online appointments from WhatsApp
Easily view your next appointment data.
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